


Are apprenticeships worth it in IT?

Good morning, I (26F) want to change careers and start working in IT for money reasons. At the moment I’m earning around 45k as self employed, I have seen there’s some apprenticeships available in IT but they’re usually 3 years long and they start with 18/20k salary, then 30/40k the second year and

Apprenticeship in Germany

Apprenticeships are part of Germany's dual education system, and as such form an integral part of many people's working life.

Go to a fucking apprenticeship if you can.

I’m telling you trades may not be for all but I saw a post saying how much college is better for you but I thought I’d put my 2 cents in being an apprentice. I have a 5 year apprenticeship starting wage is $23.24 an hour I get a pension, 401k, and health insurance. I don’t rely have to rely on fin


Apprenticeship is a system for training a new generation of practitioners of a trade or profession with on-the-job training and often some accompanying study (classroom work and reading).

How do apprenticeships work? (Hours, schooling, etc.)

Could someone clarify how an apprenticeship works, as in your hours and the school portion for levels 1 - 4? For example, assuming you get indentured as an apprentice, do you do the schooling for your level 1 first and then complete the mandatory hours or vice versa? Say the college or university y

Apprenticeship Levy

The Apprenticeship Levy is a UK tax on employers which is used to fund apprenticeship training.

Am I set for my first year apprenticeship?

Apprenticeship in the United States

Apprenticeship programs in the United States are regulated by the Smith–Hughes Act (1917), The National Industrial Recovery Act (1933), and National Apprenticeship Act, also known as the "Fitzgerald Act." The number of American apprentices has increased from 375,000 in 2014 to 500,000 in 2016, while

6 months into my apprenticeship

How bad is it let me know

Higher apprenticeship

A Higher Apprenticeship is the vocational equivalent to a Foundation University degree.